Optical Frameworks - Custom C++ Renderer

Custom C++ Renderer

2023-06-01 Written by Martin D.C.

Custom C++ OpenGl engine

Now I have my own custom game engine written in C++ and OpenGL. It started because I needed to load PDB (Protein Data Bank) format that can contain hundered thousands atoms that I needed to manipulate realtime.

Cpp Game Engine Unreal Engine or other already existing software was too slow for my needs and I knew this would come handy in orbital mechanics simulations I planned to do in future anyway.

Now it is capable of displaying arbirtrary .obj or .fbx 3D data with PBR shaders, supporting cubemap reflections.

Cpp Game Engine

I am planning to use it as renderer for my other projects, moving out from Unreal Engine render to my own software better suited for numerical simulations and realtime signal proccessing visualizations.